21 Feb Sponsorship Opening for Bird’s Quarry Junction
We are very pleased to announce that all 70 sleepers have now been sponsored for Project 1, Halesworth Junction, the track laying at Bird’s Folly Halesworth. Many thanks to all of you who helped us so much by sponsoring one or more sleepers. There is still a little more work to be done on that Project and we will update you as and when that is undertaken and completed.
We are now opening Sponsorship for Project 2, Bird’s Quarry Junction. This comprises the re-laying of the point (and point lever) that led into the loco shed at the Folly (ideally using some original components), a short headshunt from this on the site of the quarry branch, and a piece of the track which led to the main line. The current fencing will be modified to provide two gates, and heritage fencing provided around the new track work. We already have the point – so the main costs will be clearance, ballast, sleepers, gates, and fencing materials. The Sponsorship Offer will remain the same – £35.00 per sleeper. Details are on our shop page.