
A visitor to Blythburgh Station took this lovely video showcasing the site and the Blyth Valley in the context of the station.

Our Open Days this year are as follows: Spring - Sunday 11th May at Blythburgh Station Summer - Sunday 20th July at Blythburgh Station Autumn - Sunday 14th...

[caption id="attachment_3123" align="alignnone" width="300"] Screenshot[/caption] [caption id="attachment_3124" align="alignnone" width="300"] Screenshot[/caption] [caption id="attachment_3125" align="alignnone" width="300"] Screenshot[/caption] [caption id="attachment_3126" align="alignnone" width="300"] Screenshot[/caption]  ...

We have organised and will be hosting a brand new event, Halesworth Day, on Saturday 13th May 2023 at St Mary’s Church. This is the first of what we hope will become an annual event to celebrate all things Halesworth. That is, the Town, its people its local organisations and businesses and additionally, there is also the little matter of our first five years of existence to commemorate. The idea of forming a Society to celebrate the Town, its lost railway and the connection to Southwold and along the way, the villages of Wenhaston, Blythburgh and Walberswick, was first mooted and agreed at the White Hart by our founders. A year later, our first AGM was held at the Angel. When forming the Society, the founders decided that it would always try to use Halesworth businesses, where at all possible, in an endeavour to provide economic benefit to the Town. We are inviting Halesworth businesses and organisations to become involved with the event, so, if you want to have a stall, manned or unmanned  please contact us. Stalls are free of charge. This is a public event and entrance is free. Please come and join us. So far, the following have confirmed their attendance: Halesworth Millennium Green Trust East Suffolk Transport Association U3A Halesworth

We have continued to work hard to provide a re-creation of Blythburgh Station, which closed on 13th April 1929. These photos and plan reflect what...

We have an Open Day at the site of Blythburgh Station on Sunday 3rd April between 10am and 4pm. Our volunteers will show you around and try and answer any questions you may have about the foundations of the station, the Good Shed and the Southwold Railway in general. We hope to have a 7 1/4 inch working steam loco running but please note that if we do, it will not be carrying any passengers. Entrance is free and we will be providing free Coffees and Teas. The site is circled in red on the photograph below. Access to the site is just off the A12 and is next to the Village Hall and almost opposite the White Hart PH. Look for the Blythburgh Station signs.

Having obtained the owner’s permission to do so, we have continued to clear the bracken at Blythburgh Station in preparation for reinstating the platform and...

We are seeking track sponsorship under our new Project, Project 2, Bird’s Quarry Junction. Please sponsor one or more sleepers for this exciting new addition...

[caption id="attachment_2088" align="alignnone" width="300"] Blythburgh Station scene after closure of the railway. [/caption]The original of this photo was recently kindly donated to us by Andrew...

      Work has continued at Blythburgh Shed and is nearly complete. The shed is now a far cry from the dilapidated ruin of a year ago...

Work continues. The siding was infilled with earth, two panels of track laid in and outside of the shed and crumbled brick was barrowed in from a 3 ton pile and laid in between the rails inside and outside of the shed. More repairs were carried out to the fabric of the shed, Danny completed the pointing of the brickwork upon which the shed sits and a gate was erected.                

The Loco Shed at Halesworth. It was constructed of asbestos and wood and was erected in 1914 following the railway’s acquisition of its fourth locomotive,...

In compliance with current government advice regarding the Coronavirus outbreak, we have cancelled until further notice all volunteers workdays, local events and outreach meetings. Our...

Another busy workday. Here is a recently acquired chain which is likely to be the one used in conjunction with the wheel pump on the...

The weather was kind today and we laid another 12 yards of track on the original trackbed at Bird’s Folly Halesworth, making 51 yards in total...

Another 6 yards panel of track, sleepers and ballast laid on 22 October 2019 by our dedicated and enthusiastic team of volunteers in accordance with...

All donations are being applied to our Trackbed Fund. It is vital that we secure sections of the trackbed as and when they become available....